June 20, 2012

What I am Loving & not Loving Wednesday

Leave it to me to break the rules, but I am not loving some things on this Wednesday, so I am going to add that to my What I Am Loving post.

1. Acne for 33 year-olds. Seriously...what is up with my freakish skin. This is how I looked last night 
    from 6:00pm until this morning. Nice, eh? Any solutions, because ProActiv isn't helping?!?!

2. T-Mobile. For reasons described here 

3. Although I shouldn't take it out on them, because Thunder has lost the last 2 games, I still despise the 
    Heat. Especially Lebron James. I can relate to this little guy.

4. Gray hair.  Ugh! I am so sick and tired of coloring my hair every few weeks. Both of may parents  
    grayed early, so it's inevitable, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. 

5. I'm not loving that my friend at work is moving back to Dallas and her last week at work is the week 
    I am on vacation. This means I only have 3 days (counting today) left with her. :(

6. I am not loving the fact I am a procrastinator and have been putting off packing and making lists for 

7. I am not loving that I will be super busy at work, right after I return from vacation. 

Okay, now on to what I am loving Wednesday! 

1. I am loving that today is Wednesday and vacation is 2 days away! 

2. I am loving that tomorrow night a group of us will get together and watch the Thunder game. This 
    will be my version of a farewell party for Lauren. (Hope the Thunder win, or it could be a double-
    sad night.)

3. I'm loving that both of my parents and Scott's parents will be joining us on vacation next week. 

4. I'm loving that I am being super productive at work this week, despite my Words With Friends 
    interruptions.  :0)

5. I'm loving that I have a doctor's appt. this morning, which means late to work! (Short day!)

6. I'm also loving that I get to check my weight at my appt. today and I know the scale reading will be 
    better than the last one. 

7. I'm loving this video. I tear up every-time I watch. Okay, the first time I watched it I bawled like a baby.

 What are you loving this Wednesday? Link up with Jamie!



  1. I'm 30 and still totally get acne like a teenager. It's the worst.

    1. It is so annoying! Any cures or temporarily relief you can suggest? I am desperate at this point. Seriously considering the Clarisonic thing. It's expensive, but have seen/heard that it is worth every penny. Thanks for the comment!


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