December 30, 2012

Out with the Old. In with the New

Since we have spent most of the day (read: weeks) cleaning and organizing our house, I thought it would be just appropriate to blog about change.

The New Year is rapidly approaching and I can't help but get a little excited about it.

I love a New Year.
A Clean Slate.
A fresh, new, crisp Planner.
New focus.
New goals.
New memories.
New start.

As I reflect back on 2012, we have endured a lot of change.

Our human family of 5, dropped down to 4. Although that change was unexpected, it has been nice. Really nice.

Our furbaby family evened out. We lost Lucky, the cat, in June, (You can read about that here.) and gained a new pet in September, Mr. Boots (the pig). He's been such a joy to have and I love his personality. His size is something else though, whoa pig! He's a fatty for sure, but a sweetie nonetheless.

Our life isn't go, go, go all of the time now. We still go a lot with both kids playing basketball for the school, but it's so different than soccer. We don't have to sacrifice every weekend to soccer, like we did then. Our time is spent with each other, with the family, or working on our house. and we do still have lazy days every once and awhile.

Anyway, instead of me rambling on about our year, here are some highlights via pictures. Enjoy.

Happy New Year!

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